Thursday, July 31, 2008

Best reason ever

I saw a commercial with the single best reason I've heard to stop global warming.

If we don't, all the Reese's will melt.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I really have no idea where this week has gone. It's amazing that I can waste as much time as I do during the day. Luckily I have running and soccer practice to occupy myself a little bit, and I think I shall take myself out to the movies tomorrow, since I don't know when else I'd see it.

I think I need a new hobby. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nothing to report

I have nothing to talk about other than the fact that I've been sitting around the house for the past two days watching movies. Unfortunately, my Netflixed ones haven't come yet, but thankfully there have been plenty on TCM and AMC to occupy me for today, even if I have seen some of them before.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Exhausted and Red

As in sunburned after a day of soccer in the sun. My little team had its first games today and while they weren't all wins, some good stuff did come out of the day. But after a day full of yelling until I was red in the face, I am tired. Luckily I have the house to myself this week, so I'll have ample opportunity to recover.

So now I'm relaxing in front of the television watching the beginning of last season of the 4400, lamenting the fact that I hate and despise television executives.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Can't stop reading

I really can't. It's a general assumption I make that humanity is stupid, but even I didn't think that people were as stupid as they act in some of these quotes. Check it out. I think you'll especially enjoy the page if you've ever worked in retail (which I haven't, but I like to think that some coaches and parents I've had to deal with when reffing are as bad as customers).

Not Always Right

Monday, July 21, 2008

These boots are made for running

I had my first run today for the month of June. My dad forbid me to go running (or biking) in Bakersfield because the air quality was so bad, and I actually listening to him because it really was horrible. Technically I went on my aunts elliptical when I was staying at her house last week, but it really doesn't count. I hit the bike trail with the new dog, Maggie (my best guess is a boxer/border collie mix), and it was great. We saw a coyote, but luckily it was far away in the brush. I'm so looking forward to the next one tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm going to see Mama Mia with my cousin and aunt, and I'm trying to keep an open mind about the movie, so I'll let you all know what I think. Luckily the cast is pretty good, so I'm not expecting horrible things. Perhaps I'll be happily surprised. We'll see. Either way, tomorrow will be a good day since I'll be running!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Home Again

I'm finally back up north where I belong. Yesterday I came over to the Hollister household to catch the end of a week long party. Almost every surface that could be converted to sleeping was last night, on account of the fact that there was a big triathlon here yesterday, and the teammates of my uncle and their families were all staying here. So I took all of the children to laser tag yesterday, and afterwards we went to the river, finishing up with an awesome dinner of margaritas, tri-tip, and some good Spanish wine.

Next week I'll be busy hanging out with my cousins, making up for the fact that I wasn't here all summer, and then the week after I'll have the house all to myself while I house sit. I'm thinking there will be a different Netflix movie each day, as well as whatever I can find to Tivo. Considering that I'll also be able to run/bike again (the air was too nasty in Bakersfield for such activities), and it'll probably be a perfect week.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Old Friends

I had a nice long talk with Rachel the other day, telling her all about the stories from the weekend. Long live Skype! I'm back in Sacramento now, which is good. Yesterday's soccer practice started off poorly, but turned out better. We still have a lot of work to do before the beginning of the season. Thankfully they're still scared of me.

The second act of Dr. Horrible is available, and while it isn't as funny as the first one, it's still good. I can't wait for the final act.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dr. Horrible

Joss Whedon has decided that he's sick of writing things that don't get produced, so he's taken matters into his own hands with Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's a three part movie released over the internet and iTunes, staring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Felicia Day. It's only available (free!) until July 20th, so I'd suggest jumping on the bandwagon. Act I was released today, and Acts II and III follow on the 17th and 19th, respectively.

Yes, it is a musical, and yes, it is about a super-villain, and yes, the super-villain is played by Neil Patrick Harris. Seriously, check it out; I don't know what else to say.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I think that was actually the tag line for Independence Day, but I think it fits equally well for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls, or whatever the full title is. I went to finally see it on Thursday with my dad, and was highly entertained. I can now evaluate some of the Top 10 things that Robert gave when he saw the movie a long time ago.

From Robert:
10: The bad guys still can't hit Indy & Co., even when shooting at almost point blank range.
So true. As a matter of fact, I commented to my dad that the Russians shoot even worse than Stormtroopers did.
Obligitory references to the previous Indy films.
I would have been disappointed without them, although it's not new. They were there in Last Crusade, too.
08: It's been a while since the Russians were the bad guys in a movie.
And Cate Blanchett made a great villain.
04: Best use of a refridgerator, ever!
Can't argue at all.
03: Cameo by a faorite actor from Scrubs.
I thought that scene was unnecessary, except that it filled in some of the blanks of what happened after Last Crusade. Still, could have done without it.
02: Three words: Indiana Jones Theme.
While I normally sit through all the credits, this time I did it just so I could hear the whole theme.
01: Shea LeBouf doesn't ruin the movie.
Were you expecting him to?

Now I just need to see Hellboy II, The Dark Night, and a handful of others that are coming out this summer. I love summer movie season, although it does make me run out of money from about October until Christmas, due to the fact that they're all coming out on video at the same time.