Tuesday, October 07, 2008

No more swinging

I feel like I'm back in the swing of my traditional fall, and I wish the oscillation would stop. Traditionally, fall has always been the busiest season for me, mostly because it was the season of soccer. When you're weekends get eaten up by something, you feel as if the weeks go a lot faster.

This is true again, but now my classes are getting into the swing of things, and midterms are just around the corner. Once again I have a group project where my group members refuse to communicate, or respond to communication, regularly. How fondly I look back upon those high school projects now.


Rachel said...

of all the things we had trouble with, communication was no one of them....

rob said...

With a title of "No more swinging" I was expecting a much more shocking and risque blog post. Le sigh...

Me said...


Rachel said...

haha, my mind went there too at first, but come on. it's becca.