Tuesday, May 24, 2005


We had a softball game last night, which was fun. This is the fourth game this year, but the first we've actually been able to play due to lack of people. I got to play shortstop (which is where I usually play, even though I'm left-handed), and got to dive for a catch. It was fun. But the best part was when I was driving the other team's rover crazy by hitting it where he just was.

Like, since I'm left handed, most teams shift their outfield towards right field because they think I'm going to pull it. Unfortunately for them, I hit much better opposite field than I do pulling the ball. So I hit the ball where he had just moved from. For my second at bat, he figured out I could hit opposite field, so moved towards left. Then I hit it up the middle to where he had been standing. It was fun.

I'm headed to Yosemite on Thursday for a fun weekend of avioding my family. Its possible that the valley will be flooded because its been too warm there recently and all the snow is melting. I hope that doesn't happen, although it will be cool to see the Merced all full (its the river).

Oh, I saw Star Wars, but the votes still aren't tallied on how I think it was. OBviously it was the best of the new trilogy, but I haven't decided exactly what I think of it. I let you know once I watch it again, or once I read the novel.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Boy is my face red

Yeah, I got a little sunburned today. Mostly due to the fact that I spend the hours between 8 and 5 in a pool. Yay for re-certifying my lifeguard stuff. Actually boo, because I can't take the re-certification class, I have to take the beginner class.

Max is barking really loudly right now and I don't know why. Just thought I'd share.

Anyways, last week was fairly uneventful. I worked three days, which is a lot for me. And they were really easy days because I was at Actis, and two of the days I was the band teacher, which meant I subed for three periods and helped other teachers for three periods by grading papers. That's what I call my kind of day.

Hopefully I'll get to see Star Wars tomorrow night, because I'm terribly sad about the fact that I haven't gotten to see it yet. And yes, I'm going to dress up and have my lightsaber and get into fights while in line. So who wants to go with me? I'll even bring extra lightsabers so you don't die right away.

And apparently tonight I have to find some entertaining way to teach others about the different ways to treat burns. I'm thinking an epic poem might do, although a ballad is also on the list. Not like a rock ballad, but rather a Tolkien style ballad, like the Lay of Luthien. (Can you guess that I just re-watched and -read The Return of the King?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Officially Gradumacated

So its official. Not that having a diploma made it official that I'm grownup and graduated. No, sitting in an arena for three hours bored is what made it official.

I did have a good time in Spokane. It was good to see friends that I hadn't seen for a couple months again, possibly for the last time. But now I'm back and I really don't feel different. Everybody I talked to said I'd feel a sense of closure more if I went to the ceremony, but not really. And sadly, the program didn't say I was cum laude (which I am!), so I didn't even get a little cord thing to play with. I did get two tassels, which was fun, and they ran out of econ tassels, so I got one that was red and black (our school colors), so really it looked like I had three majors. Mwaha! Oh wait, that made me look dedicated or something. Maybe it wasn't good.

Anyways, now summer has almost officially started, although that won't happen until the school year ends here and I'm not subing anymore. Then I have to find another job. Yay. Well, that's it from here.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Harry Potter Strikes Back!

Last night we watched the second Harry Potter movie because it had been on ABC with Goblet of Fire stuff during some of the commercial breaks. It was fun, but more fun was the commentary that Chris, Rachel, Paul, and I put in. I'll try to remember some snipets of conversation.

Paul: How old is Dumbledore? Because he looks the same in the flashback.
Becca: He's a Master (Jedi).
Chris: He's Yoda.

Other conversations were about how many people in the movie wanted to tell Harry they love him (Hagrid especially), and how many times Harry was going to touch Herminoie's (I'm too lazy to look up the spelling) hand (like 5 because as we all know, she and Harry are going to get together). And Dumbledore's inclination to look into souls.

Chris made me realize last night that if I'm going to get my Master's, I need to start thinking of a Jedi name now. I can't just be Master Becca. But that's not just something you can pick spur of the moment. A lot of thought must go into a decision like that.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Good fences make good neighbors

So this week is testing in the Panama district, so I haven't been working. Instead, I've been doing all sorts of stuff that magically appeared when I have nothing to do, like build a fence. I was reminded of the poem, by I believe Robert Frost, although he could have written Mending Wall instead. Anyways, I don't really know our neighbors, on either side. That's what you get when your parents move when you're away at college. Actually, I don't think anybody in my family knows our neighbors. But, I've decided that good fence makers make good neighbors because this guy put up a section of the fence in like 15 minutes. That takes talent.

Two nights ago I went over to Rachel's to "write". For some reason she hasn't figured out that most of the time we spend writing together, I'm trying to distract her from actually getting any work done. Now she has everything she's written so far all printed out, so how distracting do you think that was for me? It was a fun evening, full of quotable moments, most of which I've forgotten. Hopefully Rachel wrote them down.

I go up to Spokane to officially end undergraduate work next week, which should be fun, but I really don't look forward to sitting around listening to people talk for three hours. How boring. Luckily I'll be sitting by fellow philosophers (I hope) so I can talk to them. That should be interesting and entertaining.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


So, I was playing Warcraft all evening, and now my forearm really hurts. Its fine if I don't move it, but if I rotate it in any ways, it starts hurting. Is that bad? I think that means I've been playing too many video games, so tomorrow I'm not going to play any. Except for maybe Gemstone, because that's not really a video game, since there is no video.