Friday, August 29, 2008

Putting the Miss in misconception

Sometimes I really hate stereotypes. Just because I have two X chromosomes doesn't mean that I'm incapable of changing a tire. As a matter of fact, there are two people in my house who can change a tire, and I'm one of them. I asked my brother why he hadn't changed his tire yet (he had to drive my mom's old car, which we both despise), and his response was that he hadn't had time. And that Dad hadn't had a chance to help him with it yet. Of course, as I'm changing it this morning a neighbor from across the street wandered over to see if I needed help. Of course by that point I had already gotten all the lugnuts loose (usually the hardest part) and the car jacked up, but I suppose it was still thoughtful.

I've finally got my laptop up and running, with about half of the programs installed that I need. It's very fun two be on both of my computers at the same time. I even broke it in by playing some WCIII over battlenet with a couple friends.

Now I just need to get all my files over so that I can keep updating my spreadsheets!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I haven't blogged anything about the Olympics because I figured that the news does enough of that, but it's time to break the silence. The other day I was watching the men's race walk, which is quite possibly the most entertaining event in the Olympics to watch. It's not very exciting (after all, they're just walking), but the motion that they have to use to get maximum speed out of walking is absolutely hilarious. I couldn't find any pictures that would do it justice, but trust me (and check out a video if you feel like it).

In much more important events, the US won the gold in women's soccer, and lost the gold in women's softball. Surprisingly, these are both good things. Gold in soccer for the obvious reason that I'm always excited when the US women win, and they managed to defeat Brazil, without the help of their star forward and goal scorer. It was tied 0-0 at the end of regulation, and the US put one in during the first 10 or so minutes of overtime, but then had to hold on for the full 30 minutes against arguably the best forward line in soccer (Brazil's Marta is absolutely amazing to watch). We're going to have a practice for my U14 team where we just watch the game and I explain what's going on.

The US losing the softball gold is a good thing because it might mean that softball gets put back as an Olympic sport. This was the first lost I think since it became an Olympic sport (1996), and since then the US has only allowed something like 6 runs. So the Committee took it off because they said the US dominated too much. So hopefully they'll no rethink that, and it'll be back in for the 2016 Olympics.

I should probably say something about the 8 golds that Phelps has won, but really, I just don't care.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yes, I'm still quoting Dr. Horrible, in case you were wondering. The quotes aren't always perfect, but I'm doing the best I can.

I bought a new computer today, a laptop to be exact. I figured it was time to return my dad's to him, and since there are a ton of back to school deals going on right now, there wouldn't be a better time to get one. It's nothing special, just a solid laptop to do work and a bit of gaming on. Of course, I won't even be using it until I can get it back to Bakersfield where all my program disks are, which won't be for another two weeks. But I can still stare at the pretty new toy that I have, which is perfectly fine with me.

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's not about making money, it's about taking money

So here's another one of those wonderful gems that would not be possible if it weren't for the invention of the internet. The Guild is a webseries about a group of MMO players who all belong to the same in-game guild. You'll really only be able to appreciate this if you've ever played a MMO (Guild Wars or WoW), mostly because some of the lingo is hard to catch, but it's absolutely hilarious if you can understand what's going on.

I love people that only want to make shows, and aren't in it for the money. I really hope this is the future of television, because I have to admit that I'm sick and tired of all the best shows out there getting canceled after a year because the US populace is too stupid to understand and appreciate them. Stupid Fox, stupid NBC.

And that's all I have to say for now.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Destroying the status quo, because the status is not quo

I finally got around to reading Watchmen today. I think I've had it for about a year, but just never really got around to sitting down with it. I have to admit that I like the current art of comic books/graphic novels better, but you just can't beat Alan Moore when it comes to story.

I had to rewatch the trailer for Watchmen, because I now know what I'm looking for, and I've got to say, I'm even more excited now. It's a tricky book to pull off, mostly because there's so much information given in the book, and a lot of it in flashbacks, but I'm hopeful that it'll go over well. At least the trailer looks amazing. Some parts are exactly how I imagined them, which is always nice.

Friday, August 08, 2008

And sometimes there's a third, even deeper layer,

and that one is the same as the top surface layer. Like with pie.

It's been a busy week, but luckily I get to sit through 20 hours of complete boredom this weekend (that was sarcasm, by the way). Yay for being made to sit through a 20 hour ref course when I've been doing this half of my life.

Wednesday my mom and I went down to LA to meet up with Rob for a pickup game of frisbee. Of course, I had decided to randomly give blood that morning, so I had to take it easy (sort of), but it was still awesome.

Thursday my mom and I headed to the beach, which was fun, if windy. I like the beach to be hot (almost too hot) so that the water is a welcome relief, and you can jump in and out and easily dry off in the sun. Unfortunately, while the sun was warm, there was a strong wind which kept the temperature a little too cool. But it was still fun.

Today my big accomplishment was that I finally got around to figuring out how to remove red eye in a picture with Photoshop. This is important for me because I think I have yet to see a picture of myself that used a flash where my eyes aren't red, and I'm talking bright red. So go me!

(By the way, I chose that quote because of the mention of layers, which you use in Photoshop).

Monday, August 04, 2008

You're driving a spork into your leg.

I was really hoping that for some reason the dress I ordered wouldn't make it on time - there would be some error with the computer, a wrong number typed in, or something. Unfortunately, no such luck. Lame.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

What a crazy, random happenstance.

I thought of some brilliant things to post about in the past couple of days, but have since forgotten all of the good ideas. So instead you're going to be left with the boring going-ons of my life.

Yesterday I was at a BBQ where I behaved myself admirably, especially considering that there was some idiot there name dropping all sorts of economic terms (can you name drop a term?). I refrained from both defeating him with economics and philosophy, and was rather proud of myself.

This week I've attempted to catch up on all the recent movies that I haven't gotten around to seeing yet. I watched Shopgirl, Jumper, and The Bourne Ultimatum, and have the two most recent Bond films on the way. I know, most of these I should have already seen, but I'm just so busy with classic movies that I don't get around to seeing modern ones. I also watched a Myrna Loy/William Powell movie that I hadn't seen before, so I did get my classic fix for the week.

I've decided I'm going to start quoting Dr. Horrible for my blog titles for the immediate future. If you haven't watched it yet, you should.