Saturday, April 30, 2005

I dreamed a dream

More dreams from last night:

First, I was some sort of a strike settler who was sent, along with somebody else, to England to try to end the railway strike. Our two guides actually worked undercover for the owners, but we still managed to get a good agreement in favor of the workers.

Then I was in the Star Wars universe doing something Star Warsy. I don't think this one got fully developed, or I just can't remember it.

Then I was playing basketball with Micheal Jordan, and the refs were horrible. They kept trying to make us lose the game, but we didn't. Actually, the game didn't get finished, but we were winning.

And there was another one, but I can't remember it now. Maybe I'll remember it later.

I'm trying to get my other website up and running. I think right now some pages are linked up, but the colors are all weird, and many of them aren't done. So check it out at your own peril.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K

Well, not really, but if you can tell me what movie that quote is from, you rock. Anyways, I've been having the strangest dreams lately, so I thought I'd share them as I remember. Last night, I was apparently in the army and shipped off to somewhere like Vietnam, but it wasn't, because it was currently going on, and I wasn't back then. Anyways I was there for like 3 hours before the war ended and I was sent home. Once I got home, I was somehow up in the mountains and had to use my newfound knowledge from the war to lead a group of bad guys on a wild goose chase while the rest of the camp (I think it was a camp) got away. I had tons of experience from my three hours of war time.

The next dream involved little flower things growning out of the back of my leg. I don't really understand that one. That's all I can remember, but be on the look out for more later.

Coming soon: an interesting conversation I had with Rob about superheros. (Sorry if you've read it already, but its mostly for those people who don't know Rob.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Steps towards recovery

Well at least I'm surrounded by people who will and do encourage my addiction.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Friday, April 22, 2005


So Billy and I bought an Xbox. I've been wanting one for a while, and finally got around to buying it. I've been playing Knights of the Old Republic, which is pretty awesome. I have a feeling that I'm going to be replaying it, just because there are way too many different choices that you can make which will influence the gameplay.

All in all, its a pretty sweet game, made all the better because there is a sequal. That's one problem with all too many RPGs - they're usually stand a long games, and most of them are good enough to warrant a second one.

So I've been spending much of my time doing that, which is both good and bad. Not too much else has been happening, although softball is about to start up, so if you're ever in town and want to play, let me know. And don't worry if you are horrible, we're just out there for fun and the pizza afterwards.

Monday, April 18, 2005


Well, Saturday was Chris' birthday, so I headed down for his party, which was awesome. That made three weekends in a row that I got to be in LA, which is pretty cool, and I might head down next weekend, also. Anyways, there were a bunch of people there, and about a full half I know (mostly people from Bakersfield, but I've also gotten to know a few of Chris' LA friends).

Rachel and I went down together, and she taught me about the Cors while I taught her about philosophy, and we both talked about the global economy. So we had fun. Let's, see, what happened at the party. Well, there was a lot of drinking, so the party got louder as the night went on. I apparently didn't drink enough, but I drank enough for me, so oh well. We played Apples to Apples, but I had a horrible hand, so I spent more time trying to argue for the bad cards I played than actually trying to win.

There was also a video camera going around, so that was fun to watch. Ethan was interviewing people about the most redeeming qualities of Chris, but it turned into most embarrasing moments, which was much better.

Then on Sunday we had to get back for my soccer game, which was really lame because my team is made up of people who really shouldn't be playing (except for the two people who I played with in high school and myself), while the team we played was made up mostly of people who had at one time played for Cal State. Needless to say, it was like 8 - 0, but they were complete jerks about it. Usually you stop shooting when you get to 5 or 6. So Tiffany, Diana, and I decided next time we play them, we're basically going to get all of our friends from BHS and school them and run up the score. Just because we could.

Oh, I also bought an Xbox, which is awesome, even though I haven't opened it yet. I knew that once I opened it, I would have to start playing, and I've had too much to do lately to play more video games. But soon it will be opened and I will become a Knight of the Old Republic. Woooo!

Anyways, that's it in my life. Its starting to get warmer, but for some reason I've been wearing warm clothing lately. Like today I was wandering around the house in fleece pants and a long sleeve shirt. I think something's wrong with me.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Can't think of a title

Well, I'm back from my week of Mexico fun. A little sicker for the time spent there, but really that's Robby's fault and it finally got through my immune system due to lack of sleep. Anyways, I had a great week, and I just watched the Alias episode that I missed while I was gone, so I thought I'd make a post.

I don't have a lot of really great stories, but the palm of my hand is bruised. You might ask me, "How do you possibly bruise the palm of your hand?" Well the answer is to get it pinched between two huge sheets of ply wood while you're laying roofing. Its pretty cool looking.

Oh, and if you ever go to CPK (California Pizza Kitchen), order the cheesecake for dessert. Its awesome. We went there today when my dad came to pick me up from LA.

Today Chris and I spent the day watching Arrested Development. Its hilarious. And the good thing about it is that you don't have to watch a whole season in order to enjoy the show. And now, because I've slept for most of the past 26 hours, I can't manage to fall asleep. Oh well. I have lots of internet surfing to catch up on.

What I want to know is, what did I miss while I was gone. Leave a comment! They have been sadly lacking lately. Bye for now.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Well, I'm off to Mexico for the week, so there won't be any posts coming for a good reason, as opposed to the normal reasons why there aren't any, which are bad.

I realized that I would love it if there was a high speed train (or any speed, really) from Bakersfield to LA. It would make my life so much easier, and I would be spending pretty much every free weekend down in LA hanging out with people. You'd think that with all the hubbub about how California has a traffic problem, they would have made one a long time ago, but only recently have they started arguing about it. Although then it would be possible (maybe probable) that Bakersfield would turn into another suburb of LA, and then it would suck more as a town.

Anyways, back to a couple weeks ago. I was watching Robots, as I posted earlier, and the first part of the movie drew me back into philosophical ponderings. Of course, I had had a couple drinks earlier (in celebration of St. Patrick's Day), so I shouldn't have been pondering things like that, but I did. Anyways, in the beginning when they're making the baby robot, and then as he grows up and gets upgrades, I had to wonder if the creators of Robots had figured out how the Robots had a personal identity. I don't think they did, since no questions of uploading or storing or anything like that came up, but I thought about it, and now I'm done talking about it.

Anyways, I'm currently sitting in Chris's apartment waiting to go to the train station to get down to SD, thinking about either downloading Firefox and hiding all his IE icons or posting something on his website. I think I'll download Firefox, because I really can't think of anything witty to write this early in the morning.