Friday, October 28, 2005

You know, that would be a great way to get kids to drink their milk.

I don't get Alma Maters. I mean the songs. Last night I was at a volleyball game and looked to my right and saw the Ridgeview High Alma Mater standing above the doors to the gym. I read the words and really can't understand what the big deal is. I remember some of the words to my high school's song, and don't see why you should sing "We pledge our hearts to the purple and gold," (from Ridgeview) or "praise and tribute bring" (from BHS). Maybe it's the same thing as saying "Once a Driller Always a Driller" or "We bleed blue."

Last night we celebrated Rob's birthday by trying to take him some place that was about to close. We had to do that because it was done for my birthday, but who would have thought a bar/diner would close at 9? Anyways, we ended up going to pizza and drinking some beer there. It was fun, mostly because we sat around for at least an hour and a half talking.

Tomorrow is another day full of soccer, which will almost be the last. Chris and Rach leave on Tuesday, which means that Rob and I are getting ready for two week when we'll have to entertain ourselves, and it looks like that might be done by raiding Chris' movie collection and watching as many movies as possible. I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

To die will be a great adventure.

So I've decided to make the subjects of my blog quotes from movies I've seen recently. Or at least for a while. Chris got the previous one, but will anybody get this one? I sure hope so, mostly because there are a couple possibilities. But if somebody says the one I watched recently, more power to you.

I thought that my previous post would garner some comments, but I guess not. Any thoughts out there about the difference between Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Bonnie and Clyde? How are one group heros and the other villians?

Sunday I got a hat trick in my soccer game, which is impressive considering I usually try to miss my shots. You might ask why I do this, and I have a pretty good reason. The reason is that I and my team can pretty much score at will against most of the teams we play, and I really hate running up scores, something that the rest of my team doesn't really seem to have a problem with. Anyways, I usually try to miss, but make it look like I tried to score. But on Sunday I had three completely break aways that I couldn't make look good by missing. So I scored, and they were pretty good shots, if I do say so. But after I scored the third one I subbed out. Apparently I was playing too well.

I watched Clue last night, which is awesome. Tim Curry is great, and there's some other great talents in it. Plus its just plain crazy, which is awesome. I'd been holding out watching it just because Chris likes it so much (much like Chris refused to read Harry Potter because Rach is obsessed with it). But I really did enjoy it, and am glad I watched it.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The stuff that dreams are made of.

I watched AFI's Top 100 Movie Quotes tonight on Bravo. Well, I started at about 79, but that's okay. It was pretty cool because they had all sorts of people talk about the movie for about 5 minutes, showing clips from it, and working up to the point of the quote. I think I ended up seing about half of Casablanca since it had so many quotes on the list.

Seeing all those great quotes made me want to watch more old movies, since most of them are from before 1980. I've seen quite a few older movies lately, which is great. I think I've seen three Tracy Hepburn movies in the past month (No, Tracy Hepburn isn't a single person, for those of you in my generation and uneducated). Now I really want to see Guess Who's Coming To Dinner. I don't think you can get a better duo on screen than those two.

I was looking at the AFI Heros and Villans list, and I'm a little confused. On the heros list is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. But on the Villan list is Michael Corleone and Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. Doesn't really make sense to me. I also throughly appreciate the fact that Han Solo is 14 (although he should be higher!), instead of somebody stupid like Luke. Luke really doesn't get interesting until the books, while Han is always interesting and the kind of hero you can root for. Luke is just whiney in the movies. He must get it from his father.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Catcher in the Rye

I've had a great week. Tuesday my friends attempted to kidnap me. Well, they successfully kidnapped me, but weren't too great at not letting me know where we were going. We tried to play golf and storm a castle at Boomers, but they were closed. So instead we checked out the Elephant Bar, which was fun.

Yesterday Manny was feeling sick, so I had Dr. Robert come over and check him out. I think he is feeling much better now. By the way, Manny is my computer. Then, after practice, Rachel came over, on the pretense of working on her novel. I tried to make her work, but we didn't get much done. Instead she looked at old pictures on Dave (her computer) and we watched the end of Woman of the Year. The entire movie is good, except for like the last 20ish minutes. Its like The Taming of the Shrew. I love the movie, but have to turn it off before the end. Oh well.

Anyways, here's to a good weekend where I get much done, because I need to get work done. Stupid GuildWars.

Monday, October 17, 2005

What if...

... Luke and Leia were actually Anakin's older brother and sister? Then, instead of trying to save him later, Luke would have had the chance to influence Anakin towards the light as a teenager.
Or what if there was a duck that had the healing properties of a phoenix?

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Oh the things I never thought I'd see. And I shall say no more.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Lately my dreams have had themes. Not song themes (that would rock), but all the dreams that I've had in a night have had a common theme running through them. Last night it was camp. I was (at various times in my dream) at Calvin Crest (well, it didn't look like Calvin Crest, but that's what it was in my dream), a sports camp (Patrick was there for some reason), and a couple others that I don't remember.

A couple nights ago the theme was school. I was both at BHS and Whitworth. And before that it was the night of epic adventures. Quite a few of them were movie adventures (Star Wars and LotR), so it was pretty fun.

In other news, our Harry Potter discussion group finished The Philosopher's Stone (I'm going to rebel and start calling it that), so now we get to start on Chamber of Secrets. I've usually kind of ignored this book, because I don't like it as much, so I'm looking forward to giving it some time and thought. Maybe I'll begin to like it more. I think the movie especially ruined it for me, because the movie really isn't good at all.

I got to paint today (sadly, it wasn't with my fingers), which was fun. I made a blue pumpkin, based off of Pascal's - er, make that Picasso's - blue time, or whatever it was called. I like it, and I think that it really speaks to the blueness in me and others. Haha, just kidding. I did hang it up on the fridge, just because I can. So far my family hasn't said anything, but I think they expect things like that - like when I came home from camp (as a counselor) with a finger painting. My dad put it nicely: "You're like a big kindergartener."

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Did I spell that right? I really don't care, so I guess it doesn't matter. Anyways, for some reason I've been hearing some things on the radio that really bother me. Every once in a while, some radio talker-person will feel the need to share the latest scientific study with their listeners. This morning (afternoon I guess) I got to hear about one which has shown that if you eat breakfast in the morning, you're less likely to get sick.

What's so wrong what that, you might ask. Oh, nothing, except I'm sure that this so-called study just polled people as to whether or not they eat breakfast in the morning or not, and then found out how often they get sick. They didn't bother to compare the fact that people who eat breakfast in the morning are going to (on average) have a healthier life than people who don't. But instead of breakfast being a sign of a healthy life, and this being the reason the person doesn't get sick, breakfast is the reason.

Let's see, what was the other one.... oh yeah! Apparently if you sit down to eat as a family five or more times a week for dinner, you're kids are more likely to do well in school, less likely to do crap they shouldn't, and quality of life will all around increase. Now, let's think about how they did this little experiment. Is it see what happens with meals, then use the same family without meals and see what happens? Or is it poll families and see how often they eat as a family, then rate the kids? So once again, we have a sign (generally) a healthy family, blah blah blah, and its taken as the reason.

I probably will name it wrong, but isn't this Ad Hoc. (Yes Will, I do expect correction if I'm wrong, I never did pay attention to those stupid names). And I don't really know why its making me so angry, but it is, so now I've vented, and its out of my system. Until I hear about the next stupid scientific study. Is this what Universities are getting grants for? Because that's pretty lame. They can give me the money and I'll tell them why their tests are stupid.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Weekend update

Well, I haven't done much this weekend. Actually, I did a lot, but none of it was really interesting. This weekend was the Business Conference, so AYSO games were all canceled, well at least the ones at Cal State. Did this mean time off for Becca? Of course not. What this meant was that I could get out to Hart Park earlier to ref more games. Luckily I only had three, instead of the four he was sort of threatening me with. Then I came home and collapsed into bed, which was nice.

Sunday is soccer day, with two games after church. I can always expect to lose the first one (its a co-ed game and almost all of my team has never played competitivly before), and win the second one (its a women's game, and almost all of my team has played in college). This week was true to form. Then afterwards I went to church.

Frequently throughout Sunday, I'll be at my computer, checking for scores. NFL scores, to be exact. It looks like this week I might win, which is awesome. That'll take me to 2-3. Unfortunately, my first three games, I played tough opponents, and my key players didn't produce how they should have. That's changed these past two weeks, which is good, so I have high hopes for the rest of the season. I'd say right now in the standings, I'm in the upper middle of the pack, which is a good place to be, because people aren't gunning for me, could underestimate me, and I'm still in the running.

Plus, football has given me a chance to brush up on my excel skills, which I never really had to use in school. So don't ever say that fantasy football is worthless.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Its interesting to see that an action which can cause compassion, or a sense of empathy in some people, will cause a desire for vengence in others. Yesterday, I was the center ref in a U14 girls game. At halftime the score was 8-0, which is almost unhead of. Its not unheard of because its impossible, but its almost unheard of because most teams have more class than to score 8 goals in a half.

So at half timeI go up to the coach (who is also a ref) and ask (fairly nicely) if he's going to make his girls show some restraint. He turns to me and says, "Well, that was us three years ago. We got beat like 18-0, so its our turn now. We're going to run up the score!" Finally, once the score was 14-0 or 15-0 I walk over and say, "If you don't make your team back off, I'm going to yellow card you for unsportsman-like behavior."

Finally, he made his girls not score (sort of), but the game was still horrible. Here's the thing. You would think that if a team had that happen to them in the past, they would be more willing to show some class and not run up the score. Most the teams I've ever played on have been like that. And the worst part is, in a game where the score is run up like that, neither team learns anything, because one team has no chance, and the other team has no challenge. Its lame all around.

So I have more to say about my life for the past week, but I'll do that later.