Monday, February 27, 2006

These are a few of my least favorite things.

How much better would that song have been with that premise instead of the one it used. "When the dog bites, when the bee stings - I smash them with a hammer!" Okay, don't ask me where that came from.

Since I know you all care about what I think, here's a list of things that have annoyed me lately (in no particular order).
  1. Stupid people, especially those behind the wheel of moving vehicles going 40 on the freeway.
  2. Condiments ruining my sandwhich. If I wanted a mouth full of mustard, I would have asked for one, thanks.
  3. Hypocritical and condescending people.
  4. Mornings.

And the things I've liked recently (also in no particular order).
  1. The rain.
  2. The ocean and creatures found therein.
  3. Star Wars book (don't judge till you've read them!)
  4. Soren.
  5. Late nights with friends (even if they can't be too late because of #4 above).
Okay, I'm done now. Good night.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Whales + ocean + sun = good weekend

Well, I'm back safely from SB and had a pretty good weekend. Unfortunately, my brother Robby had to "study" this weekend, so he didn't come. And being 20, he can't stay home alone, so my mom also didn't go. That left Billy, my dad, and myself to make the trip to SB.

Saturday we went Whale Watching on the Condor Express, which is a pretty awesome boat. I remember going on trips when I was younger and it being loud and somewhat uncomfortable. Well, the skipper has since gotten a very very nice boat to take people out on, and it was great. It probably helped that the day was beautiful and the sea was calm. We saw two Grey Whales that we followed around for a while, and Dalls Porpoises and Bottle-Nosed Dolphins.

Then we went to the Sea Center and played with all the cool things that my dad said I shouldn't play with because they're for kids. I asked him what he thought I was, and he didn't say anything more. Other than that we didn't do much except sit around the house with Scotch waiting for dinner (Yum!) and watching some of the Olympics.

So it was a relaxing weekend, all in all. The only thing that would have been better would have been some wine tasting, but Billy is a loser and didn't want to go, so that'll have to wait until next time.

Friday, February 24, 2006


So I haven't posted anything lately because I haven't had anything to post. Every day I've just come home and gone to bed, with the exception of Tuesday when I just stayed home and went to bed.

But this weekend I'm going to SB with my family (for those of you uncool that means Santa Barbara). It should be fun since we're going whale watching on Saturday and I haven't been since probably before Jr. High. I don't know what Sunday will hold, but probably a late breakfast and the beach. All in all, I'm hoping for a good weekend, especially since I'll have Soren to keep me company when I need him.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, outside of soccer.

Well I wouldn't really know, but I sure am tired right now. I also can't walk, but that will pass.

I had some soccer games, and it seems like the only thing that my teammates have to talk about with one another is pregnancy and giving birth. I think there are like 5 of us who don't have kids, and we definately feel like a minority. Luckily I just put on my headphones and blissfully listened to Franz on Soren. Yes, I named my iPod Soren. I was going to name him Pascal, but that's Blaise's last name, and really I like the name Soren better. And besides, if I named him Pascal, some people might think I really like math, since it seems that's the only thing Pascal is really known for.

Of course, nobody out there will know who Soren is. Well, a few of you might, but the majority of people won't. Teleological suspension of the ethical! What could be cooler? Okay, a lot of things, but still, Soren is a cool name.

I guess a post like this is what I get when I try to post something when I should be in bed. But I have to wait for my comforter to finish drying, so you get the pleasure of reading this when my mind isn't really functioning. Lucky you.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I want a farm in Africa.

Watching Out of Africa made me want to live there. Or maybe it made me want to live there around WWI when it was being colonized. I think there's always been a part of me that has wanted to live on a farm. No, I take that back. A part of me has wanted to live on a ranch. And yes, there is a huge difference between a farm and a ranch.

Ranchers get to ride around on horses and fix fences all day. Farms have to milk cows all day. (Yes, I know I'm simplifying, leave me alone). The only thing I wouldn't like about living on a ranch would be getting up early. Maybe I could be a late night rancher.

I probably just feel like this from all my summers spent on my grandparents and I associate ranch with adventure. But who cares! You do get to have adventures on ranches! You get to chase away coyotes from the cattle, and hunt stuff, and ride horses! Not to mention try to get lost and sleep under the stars.

Hmmm, I think I need to go camping.

Friday, February 10, 2006


So last night was HP discussion group at Russo's. I got there a little early (meaning on time) before the people in the discussion group who don't work at Russo's had arrived. Rachel promptly told everybody that I want to work at Russo's and would fit right in because I'm a snob. Not having any argument with this statement, I asked what I'm a snob about (yes, there's more than one). Rachel replied "She doesn't like people with low intelligence. *pause* She doesn't even like people with moderate intelligence." I don't think that's really true. I'm not that much of a snob. I just don't like stupidty. Is there something wrong with that?

Later I was telling Chris about how Rachel thinks I'm a snob. I started with, "Apparently I'm snobbish," and continued with the story. After finishing I said, "So I'm a snob." Chris replied, "You're also a bish." If you don't see why that's funny, trying saying it out loud.

Yesterday I watched most of Lawrence of Arabia, which is an awesome movie. Rachel didn't like how much of it was "wasted" on shots of the desert, but I think that visually it is amazing, and that is what makes it so awesome. But it made me want to be a nomad, probably because Omar Sharif is so awesome. And I want to wear Arab/Jedi robes (the robes the Arabs wear make me think of Star Wars, what can I say?). Hey, they're like dresses!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Troll alumni?

Last night Chris and I were watching the news after 24 while playing Scene It with Paul (how's that for a sentence?). Apparently the city of Bakersfield wants to build a new freeway - through the IT building at BHS. While being outraged (as any good Driller should be) Chris promptly said, "We're going to be troll alumni. Aren't they the ones that live under bridges?" Of course this is only preliminary, and at least a couple years off, but still, how could they do that to one of the oldest (not to mention awesomest) high schools in the state?

And the salt in the wound? They're going to name it the Centennial Corrider. Sounds like a dirty and rotton plot by the Golden Hawks to me.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Yesterday after church my parents and I went to pizza for lunch, and as I was leaving the store I looked at the vending machines (you know, the ones for a quarter or 50 cents). Now, from the creators of Homies, you have "Trailer Park" action figures. These include (but aren't limited to) the fishing guy, a girl in a bikini pumping gas, not one but two seperate figures with guitars or banjos, and commando boy. So apparently Oildale is a big market, who would have known?

The scary thing is the huge market (apparently) on eBay that these things have (I had to find a picture of them).

Due to technical difficulties, I can't upload the picture right now, but I will.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Schleepy scheepy

Last night was Movie Night. I know, some of you are wondering, "Isn't every night movie night?" and the answer is "Yes, of course!" but there's a difference between movie night and Movie Night. Last night we watched The Great Escape (after having it taped since December) and Chris and I actually got Rachel to come hang out with us (only because it's a historical film, or maybe because of Eddie). It was a night full of quoting various things (mostly Dress to Kill) and enjoying ourselves.

But unfortunately The Great Escape is three hours longs, which I had forgotten. It doesn't really have to be that long, but the director had to get ample footage of Steve McQueen (disguised as an American man) riding his motor bike. I think there's about half an hour of unneeded footage of this. So because it was three hours long we all got to be late, and now I'm fighting against sleep.

Also, since this is a post of links, for those of you not in the know (and who don't check blog profiles frequently enough) there's a new quote board of sorts here. If you'd care to contribute, let me know and I'll set you up.