Sunday, July 31, 2005


So apparently this summer is the summer of nicknames for Becca. I think the count is up to five. So far the crowd favorites are Roxy and Cuddles. Both of which are obviously me. I'm amazed people didn't come up with those earlier.

I found out last night that I'm bappy, or fappy (adjectives, not nicknames). Not sure which one it is, although they might be the same thing. Those are from Robert, so if you want to have them explained, you might ask him, because I don't think I understand. Or maybe I do understand, but I just don't want to explain.

We had fun last night (Rob, Rach, and I) watching the last like six episodes of the first season of Arrested Development. Its a great show. It was especially great because two of my top four episodes were watched, which was awesome. On Friday I was down in LA for a friend's going away party. We came back that night (Rob, Nat, and I), so I didn't get home until about 4:30. I was a good friend and stayed up to talk to Rob as he drove. It was pretty fun, too. Interesting conversations come about after 2 am.

I'm listening to a song right now called "Bowling Ball." Its great. A line is, "You need that boy like a bowling ball dropped on your head, which means not at all." Its an entertaining song. But now its over.

Now its time to head out to more evening fun with my friends! Woot!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Freaks and Geeks

So we've been watching Freaks and Geeks lately. Well, so far I've only seen the first two episodes, and part of another one, but I will be watching more shortly. Its a great show. All of the characters are hilarious. And just watching the pilot, I already knew that I would appreciate this show.

In other news, I'm headed down to LA with my friends tomorrow for the day, which should be fun. I'm looking forward to it. A couple days ago I was driving down Ming and I passed Stine. I realized that there are two 99 cent stores across the street from each other. They're different brands, or whatever store chains are called, but come on. How much competition can there be in the 99 cent store market. It really makes me wonder sometimes how the economy can function with so little efficiancy. I mean, I know competition is necessary to keep big corporation from totally inflating prices and what not, but it seems like there should be a point when we don't have two 99 cent store on the same block.

And I'm done with my tirade. Its time for bed.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I just watched a spider spin a web here in SB. It was interesting. It was very hard to see unless you got really close, but you could see that the spider was moving around with some purpose, even if you couldn't see the web. There is some sort of philosophical implication in my observations, but really I've been having a much too relaxing time to write it out right now. Perhaps once I get home next week and have to work all the time I'll put it down in cyberspace, but I don't know.

In other news, we're watching Whale Rider right now, which is a really interesting movie. If you haven't seen it, you should. I'm also about to go through more pictures and scan some so hopefully sometimes soon you might see them on my website. I love weekends like this when I don't have to do anything and can just wander around the house busily doing nothing. I think I need more weekends like this.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


There aren't many places I love more than my grandparent's house in Santa Barbara. It combines everything in life that is nice. Its up in the mountains above Westmont surrounded by oak trees, but there is an amazing view of the ocean (or at least there is on clear days). All of the doors are open to let a beautiful breeze through, and there is so much history in this house.

Everywhere I look there are pictures of California's past. From books to rocks and fossils to pictures of my family's past. I love it here.

Plus I'm not in 100+ degree heat baking. That's a definate plus. We went to the beach today, which was a lot of fun because I haven't gone in the ocean in I don't know how long. I mean, I've been to the beach, but not in the water. The water was just about perfect. The only downside is that SB has very little surf, so we couldn't really play in the waves, only splash around and throw mud at each other.

Anyways, I hope all of you at home are enjoying your heat. I am definately enjoying Santa Barbara. Maybe I should go to school here.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


So the past two days I spent eight hours at the pool. And today I only had to be there for four hours. Usually, four hours of sitting in the heat and sun staring at the pool feels like forever, but today it didn't. Its amazing what a person can be conditioned to endure. And this was only after two days. Adaptability is a pretty cool thing.

Last night four of us were at Chris' house to make cookies for Amanda. Well, we're going to eat some too, but hopefully they will make it to her. Last year the cookies that were made to send to somebody didn't actually make it, but this year I think there's more hope.

An unfortunate side effect of the fact that all the other lifeguards like country and I don't really care what we're listening to, is that I now know way too many country songs. Plus I will occasionally have some of these songs stuck in my head after work. Like I do now. Its annoying.

Well, tonight is a frisbee night, so I'm excited. Its been good to be able to play almost weekly this summer. And its a great excuse to hang out with some people I don't see all that often.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Yes, I am a little red tonight. That's what happens when its a hot day and I have to work for 8 hours. I spent a good deal of time in the pool. I think tomorrow will be sunscreen day. I just spent about an hour and a half playing a game that I never could like, mostly because I'm horrible at it. I'm talking about Super Smash Brothers. I've never been really good at button pushing games, so it was to be expected that I suck at this game. However, I think my skills are improving. At least as long as I use Link.

On a side note, I love Who's Line Is It. I was just watching it. Its great. And I love Tim Burton. I really need to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was one of my favorite books as a kid.

Well, its been really hot lately here, so my family has finally gotten smart and decided to go to Santa Barbara. Yay for us, it should be fun.

Okay, bye.

Saturday, July 16, 2005


All I have to say is bravo JK Rowling. Half Blood Prince is everything I had hoped it would be, and some things I hadn't dared to hope it would be. I won't spoil anything here, so don't worry. I finished it in under 12 hours, which is pretty fast, even for me.

Anyways, I hope you all ready it. I'd even say its worth reading the first five just to be able to read this one. By far my favorite. By far. So, if you want to talk about it and are done, look me up. But please don't say anything about it (well, don't spoil it) on comments or I'll beat you soundly.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Happy Bastille Day Yesterday!

So we stormed the Bastille last night. Oh wait, no we didn't. Actually, I wanted to do a dramatic reenactment of the storming, but that was shot down. Instead, we ate French bread, cheese, and had some wine. Oh, and we watched Casablanca. It was fun. Afterwards, we sat around and made predictions about The Half Blood Prince (coming out tonight), and tonight we get to see who was the closest.

Well, its time to go play frisbee, so I'm off. Tomorrow you should check out my quotes page since I have some new ones from last night, and I'm sure tonight will reveal others.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Yet another night when I'm heading to bed shortly before Chris should be getting up. I think I missed that earlier note to self. But in my defense, I'm towards the end of Knights II, and its really starting to get good. The best part about this game (well, the plot of the game) is that the whole time, you have no idea what's going on. Like, you see what's going on, but you have no idea what it means.

That and the fact that you get to either fry people or force push them into submission. And tear it up with dual lightsabers.

Maybe I'll leave myself a memo to go to bed earlier this time.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


I'm going to be at camp for the next week (July 3 through July 9) so I won't be updating or anything. If you really feel like you must know what's happening in the life of Becca during that time, you'll just have to get over it. Or you could check out my other site and see the new fun things that have been added recently. Well, not really recently, but if you haven't checked it out in a while, you should.

Rob and I found a friend that also plays Gemstone today. He's actually a friend of Patrick's from school who is working in the Bay Area this summer and is down for the 4th weekend. We were talking about books, then Robert mentioned Gemstone, and Brian was like, "Gemstone 3?" (even though its actually Gemstone 4 now), so we got to have fun talking about both books and Gemstone.

We also played some Apples to Apples, and Nerts, besides just the normal random converstaions that are what usually happens when all of us get together. It was a good night of nerdiness, which was throughly enjoyed by all present, I think. So now I get to go hang out with high schoolers for the week, run around, wear costumes, and get no sleep. And the only difference from what I normally do is that I've been hanging out with elementary school students lately, not high schoolers.

Hasta la semana proxima!

Friday, July 01, 2005


So I've recently had some feedback that might cause me to not weblog on my site, but just continue to do it here. The only problem with that is that I feel people won't check my site if I don't weblog there. Its quite a conundrum. I haven't decided what I'm going to do, but I'll keep you posted.

Today I subbed (again) at summer school, and just watched a movie. It was kind of lame watching the same movie two times in a row, but oh well. It was Island of the Blue Dolphin, which was fun because I read that book in 4th grade and really enjoyed it.

But watching that movie made me think about how no matter how much things change in education (and they've changed a lot recently because the California government seems to think that different must mean better), some things won't change. Like the classic books we read in grade school and Jr. High, for example. Classes today are still reading some of the same books that I read, including Island of the Blue Dolphins, Fourth Grade Rats, Maniac Magee, Dealing With Dragons, and Ten Little Indians.

I'd write more, but its time to go swimming.