Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just 5 more minutes...

Lately I have been sleeping very well. Normally, I wake up 3-6 times during the night, which I used to think is normal, but it seems it might not be. Anyways, this past week, I've been waking up only once (or not at all). This has led itself to some interesting dreams (my strange somewhat reoccuring school dreams), which has been fun. This, however, has made it very hard for me to get out of bed in the morning, because I've been so comfortable.

I've spent a lot of the past week reading a webcomic called Order of the Stick, which is kind of a spoof on table top gaming, but has a lot to do with Gemstone. It's very entertaining, but probably only to those who are familiar with those sorts of games, so I won't put the link here because most people wouldn't appreciate it. If you want it, however, let me know and I'll tell you.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The power of girth

I generally spend a lot of my lunch break in my car for various reasons. 1) After spending all morning hearing people talk I want some ‘me’ time. 2) I usually read or nap, which is much easier to do in a car than outside or in a restaurant. 3) I have a clock in my car. Anyways, today I was sitting in my car during lunch with my shoes off listening to some music while I read some of The Once and Future King. I had my feet up on the dashboard mostly because I didn’t want to get my socks dirty, but also because it is comfortable. I guess I stretched a little too much when my right foot was against the windshield, because all of a sudden I heard a *pop*.

“Oh no,” I thought. I can’t have popped my hip out of socket (it occasionally threatens, but thankfully that has never happened). Nothing felt out of place, and I figured I’d be able to feel something (I hear that can be very painful) so I looked elsewhere for the source of the pop. I thought perhaps I had bent in the little arm rest thingy, but that wasn’t the case either. Suddenly I realize that I should move my leg and inspect the windshield. Somehow I managed to break my windshield. Actually, the break is in a pretty cool pattern; it looks like a star.

My poor car has gotten so hurt lately! A couple weeks ago he decided to get a flat tire for no apparent reason (that I could find). When I got home from work he was fine, and the next morning my dad woke up me to tell me my tire was completely flat. Luckily it was a Saturday, but still! So my dad took him in to get it fixed, and it turns out that there’s a ton of other tire/axel work that needs to be done.

But I guess if all I have to deal with is tire problems (and I’ve had more than my fair share of them) and my own strength, then I’m okay with that.

I guess I’m just too girthy for my own good, or rather for the good of my car.

Friday, March 24, 2006

"Do we have a fire extinguisher in here?"

My computer blew up today. Okay, it didn't go *boom*, but it did catch on fire, which made for an interesting day. I was sitting there, minding my own business, when all of a sudden there's smoke coming out from underneath my desk.

"This is strange," I think to myself, "smoke shouldn't usually come out from a desk." So I looked down and saw orange flashy things inside my computer. "Also strange," I think. "Let's see how this plays out."

However, when the orange flashy things became somewhat stronger, I decided some precautionary actions would probably be wise. So I asked for said fire extinguisher, finally convincing my co-workers that there actually was something wrong with my computer (they didn't believe me when I said there were sparks coming out of it).

Turns out something in my computer caught on fire, but luckily, the hard drive didn't get fried, so all my hard work is intact in the temporary computer I have till I get my new one (hopefully) sometime next week.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Vegas, baby!

Anybody want to go to Las Vegas the last weekend in April to watch me play soccer? Okay, you don't have to watch me play soccer if you don't want to, but it would be nice to have a fan for a game.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I haven't figured out how to both live and work. I feel like all I do is wake up in the morning, go to work, waste time there, come home, and do nothing all evening. Then I go to sleep early so I can get up in time for work. And that's so lame. There should be more to do in life than what I'm doing now. I need to figure out how to do that.

Monday, March 20, 2006

A weekend of tv shows

I watched more tv this weekend than I think I have in the past two months. And I mean tv shows, not movies on tv. Friday Rob came over "with a surprise" which, as I correctly guessed, was Firefly. For those of you who don't know what Firefly is, I might consider not being your friend anymore. But I'll tell you so I can remain friends with you. It is a sci-fi show created by the guy who made Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and who is one of my favorite creators of shows.

Anyways, this show was only on for a season (what's with us watching one season long shows lately? It only leads to heartbreak), but that's because it was too good for tv. So what did they do? They made a movie, called Serenity, with the characters and story.

So Rob and I watched the first disk (4 episodes) of Firefly (we only watched that much because he only had one disk) while celebrating St. Patrick's Day with pizza and Newcastle.

Having reminded myself that I do like some things on tv, I decided to watch the rest of Clone Wars that I've been sitting on for a while. I'm not sure how many "episodes" I watched, but it was about a 2/3 of the entire thing. Then I decided I'd waited long enough to watch some more of Season 4 of Alias. I watched the whole third disk of that yesterday.

Not to mention also seeing V for Vendetta Saturday afternoon with some of the crew. So it was a good weekend for me to watch tv. But not to seem like a completely lazy person, I did play soccer on Sunday, and scored a couple goals after being unable to do anything in the first half. It was fun, and now I'm planning on going to Vegas with my team to a tournament. That should be fun.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Leprechaun Day

So as I left work today I saw two whole rainbows at the horizon. Granted, one was very faint, and you had to look for it, but the other was very bright. I thought it fitting for today. Another thing fitting for today was that I felt like bombing some people due to how stupid they are. Actually, I felt more like throwing rocks at cars, but exageration is a fun thing.

I'm reminded almost daily how stupid people become when they get in cars, and it's very annoying. Now, I'll admit that there have been times when I've not paid enough attention while driving and done some dumb things, but from the looks of things, most American drivers do stupid things all the time.

It's especially annoying that most have no clue how to drive in the rain. They either go faster than is safe, or go slower than is safe. Let's talk about Aristotle's Golden Mean.

In happier news, it's finally the weekend after a very long and boring week. Yay for Saturday and Sunday!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Child of the sun?

Tonight was the BHS choir Spring Concert, or whatever they call it. Chris and I, not being satisfied with the Winter Concert, decided to also grace this concert with our presences. Actually, Chris, having such a big head, had to go because his and Patrick's song was supposed to be performed.

After searching for the church where they were performing (Chris couldn't find it even though he's been there before) we finally arrive just as they were taking their places on stage. It was a fun concert, with, of all things, a ton of Christmas songs. Finally, the song we had come to hear was performed, and although it's a good song (very good, I'd say), I had to fight most of the time not to laugh.

After Chris talked to Mr. Bourgis (is that how you spell his name), we were on our way out, when who should we see but Mrs. Polite and Mrs. Bell (former teachers for those of you who are non-Drillers). Mrs. Polite actually saw me first and said, "Rebecca?" which was surprising to me, because of all the teachers I had in high school, she would be one of the ones I would expect to forget me (although how anybody could forget me I have no idea!). It was fun talking to them, and reminded me that it actually has been a while since I was in high school. Sometimes I still feel like I just got out of BHS, while other days I'm reminded of just how long it's been.

This weekend is shaping up to look pretty busy, but thankfully not as busy as last weekend. My adult soccer league is finally starting up for the year on Sunday, which is exciting. I still don't have pictures from Robert, (due to technical difficulties) but I should get them this weekend, and then you'll learn all about our adventures there.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Do ya feel lucky, punk?

I’m not a big fan of westerns, but there are a few that I really like. One of those few is Hang Em High, a Clint Eastwood movie about a man who is lynched, but survivies. He then becomes Marshall and hunts down the up-standing citizens who did it to him. It’s also a story about how law and justice come to a territory, and the judge who wants it to become a state, with the help of Clint. Clint is torn between hunting down the people who hurt him and helping innocents. He also is torn between letting frontier justice or the law prevail, when both have the same outcome (death by hanging). After that, 12 Angry Men was on, which is another story about law and justice.

Whenever I watch either of these movies, a part of me wants to study law (a small part). Actually, I probably want to study more the philosophy of law and government. Maybe I should just read some Locke and Hobbes. And some Plato for good measure. In other news, we got back from Mammoth without incident, and I should have pictures to put up soon.

And yesterday was Rachel's birthday, so hopefully I'll have some pictures from that, too. Apparently I look like a gansta' in a couple of them. Don't ask me how.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The stuff that dreams are made of...

Every once in a while I will have a dream that influences my actions. Generally, my dreams are hazy, even right when I wake up. I only have a vague impression of what was going on, usually some adventure or other. But now and then I have a dream that I remember vividly when I wake. And even less frequently I'll have a dream that affects my actions during the day. I find it necessary to remind myself that it was a dream, and didn't actually happen. A couple times I've even talked about my dreams as if they actually happened, and halfway through have had to realize that those things didn't really happen.

Well, I had another one of those last night, and it was very interesting.

Anybody else occasionally dream like that?

Thursday, March 02, 2006


It's not exactly the same, but this reminded me of Millions. How do you just say to your friends, "Hey guys, lets go rob a bank for $100 mil?" That's awesome.