Friday, June 30, 2006

Non-stop party

Wednesday night officially kicked off the non-stop party that is going to last a week around here. What started out as a random small trip down to LA to go to Hotel Café turned into a random big trip. Monday night, Chris, Rachel, and Jessica were sitting around playing cards and listening to some music when somebody (Jessica, I think) said, “I really like her (the musician playing). We should go and hear her play!” As it turns out, she was playing in Hotel Café (an old stomping ground of Jessica’s) and a trip was planned.

I decided at about 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon to join the trip down, even though it meant getting little sleep on Wednesday night and suffering through two more days of work, and somehow convinced Robert to join us down there, also. So we all went down to Hollywood and had a very enjoyable night. I was thinking about sleeping on the drive back (Chris was driving, not me) but seeing how we hadn’t seen each other for half a week, we had way too many movies to talk about, and I didn’t manage to take a nap.

Last night was my break from the party, because it’s very dangerous for me to hang out with people on Thursday nights. I think the weekend feels way too close, so I figure that I can stay up later than I probably should, and I didn’t want to compound Wednesday night with a late Thursday night.

Saturday I should be going to the beach with some of my family (not sure who’s going to go) which should be relaxing. I look forward to being cold (somewhat) again. Then on Sunday I’m trying to put together a poker night (for any who are interested), Monday night is our official freedom celebration (because we won’t be able to have a late night on Tuesday) with everybody, and Tuesday night I’ll probably be doing something small.

I’m hoping to somehow manage to fit in seeing Superman Returns, and perhaps even Cars this weekend, as well as finish up my last season of Gilmore Girls, maybe watch an AFI movie or two, and finish up all the interview write ups for my aunt by Wednesday.

So it’s going to be a very busy week, and I hope that I manage my sleep well enough that I don’t need to sleep through any of the festivities. After all, who needs sleep? It’s way overrated.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I know who it's going to be!

I so knew it. Harry and Hermoine are going to bite it, leaving the road clear for Ron and Ginny to express their true feelings for one another. Or is it the other way around?

And yes, I'm so starting a HP Death Pool. Details will be forthcoming, so starting thinking about who you're going to pick. It will probably be connected with my HP The Series Death Pool (meaning the publication of the last book). Okay, so we all know it's not going to be the death of the series, but then the pools will go together so nicely.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Joseph Campbell is my hero!

There are a couple of reasons that I think Gilmore Girls is one of the best TV shows (still) on. Two obvious reasons for this:

1) In the episode on Spring Break, The Power of Myth was used as a running joke. Rory's character has seen it five times.

2) While discussing movie night, Lorelei has to ask Luke which movies he has seen and lists (in this order): Casablanca, Chinatown, Bonnie and Clyde, It Happened One Night, His Girl Friday, and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Those writers have amazing taste.

And the original Gone in 60 Seconds was on tonight - lots of old mustangs are ugly. Am I un-American for saying that? I think I should re-watch The Power of Myth in celebration of the fact that Superman is coming out soon. Because what is a cooler myth than the story of Superman? That's right, nothing.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Ice cream and one-handed cartwheels

Rite Aid is a very interesting store. When I worked at camp, it was pretty much the only store that you had to go to if you needed something, and my roommates and I would take many a late night trip down there (mostly for ice cream). I was very saddened to hear that in Washington the Rite Aids don't have ice cream. And I got some very weird looks the first time I suggest Rite Aid for ice cream.

Lately I've been thinking about watching Silence of the Lambs, because I had never seen the whole thing. I had seen the beginning, but that was about it. So last night in my dream I invented a plot for it, and decided it was finally time to watch it. The dream was very interesting, though. It involved Anthony Hopkins doing one-handed cartwheels (I'm sure they're called something else) and a very long wooden, suspended walkway over a bay to the house that he was hiding in.

Of course, none of this had anything to do with the actual movie, but it was fun. Then I was woken to the sound of my dad doing yard work at 7:30, and had a great morning.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Brithday

Today is Meryl Streep's birthday (she's 57, who knew?) so in honor of that, we'll try again to talk about our favorite movies by the actress whose birthday it is (the previous one didn't work very well).

This one is a tough one for me, since she's been in many a great movie, and many a great role, most of which I haven't seen. I think my favorite would be AI: Artificial Intelligence. Heh, just kidding, but apparently she was in it as a voice of something. Honestly, though, I think the movie that I've seen which is my favorite roll that's she's been in would be Karen Blixen in Out of Africa, but my favorite movie she's been in would be Kramer vs. Kramer (I've only seen 4 and a half of her movies).

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I've felt like it should already be the end of the week (or the end of next week) for some reason lately. Today I had to convince myself that it wasn't actually Thursday, and also that it wasn't the 4th of July in a couple days. I don't know what caused this time misconception, but I think it has something to do with the action packed couple of days I've had lately.

But at least now it's almost officially the end of the week (only a day to go until Thursday!) and by the time Thursday rolls around, it's almost Friday, and that's almost the weekend. And, yes, I do live my life currently by thinking of what my current situation is close to, and what the close to think is close to. And no, I'm not sad and pathetic, however it may sound.

Soon is the start of people leaving Bakersfield for bigger and better things as Amy goes off for her adventures in Peru Thursday. She will be followed soon after by Jessica and Rachel, and then things will be sad, since I will have a much smaller number of people with whom to distract myself here in Bakersfield. It might, however, mean an end to my self inflicted motto of "Who needs sleep?" though. Probably not, seeing how I'll more than likely drown my sorrows in movies.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Why I love the movies

I watched two great movies this weekend. One was A Praire Home Companion, which is Robert Altman's new film. He's slowly becoming one of my favorite directors. The reason for this is that most of his films are very very character driven. Many of them have little plot to think of, but are all about how the characters interact with one another. He also uses long scenes, something that I hate about modern films. I don't want to have a scene cut every 3.5 seconds, thank you. I want to see the actors actually get into the character and have to interact with the people around them as the character would have to.

I also watched Gaslight today, which is a great movie. I would have prefered to be able to doubt Paula (Bergman's) sanity, but you know all along that it is a hoax. Even if I didn't know the plot, you are meant to not like her husband, because you know that he is up to something. I would have much prefered to invest in both characters (rather than just Paula) and have the rug pulled out from underneath me at the end, learning that her husband was doing it all the time.

But instead you don't care about him, and want her to find out the whole movie. When she finally does, you're somewhat disappointed, although the final scene between the two of them is great.

Friday, June 16, 2006


McDonald's apparently likes to make policy. They have three policies: the drink policy, the sauce policy, and the eating policy. I will explain each below.

The Drink Policy
Apparently, it is unhealty to bring a used McDonalds cup back into a restaurant, especially the large 44 oz cups. It says so right on the door. It's because of saftey issues that they won't allow you to bring one back in, not because they don't want to get cheated out of your 74 cents.

The Sauce Policy
When you buy a 6 piece chickenish thing you are entitled to one (1) package of dipping sauce. If you need another one, you will be required to pay for it. A whole 10 cents.

The Eating Policy
This one is my favorite. When you buy a meal at McDonalds, you are entitled to sitting down for at most 30 minutes to eat it. No more. If you loiter there longer, you will be asked to leave. Apparently they think you might be a bomb. Or you'll disrupt other guests.

The Eating Policy is my favorite, and so far I've broken it three times this week. I've also developed my own policy for McDonalds. It's called the Becca Policy.

The Becca Policy
Snack size yogurt thingy + medium french fries + lots of Poweraid = a happy Becca

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's been a long time coming

Yes, the moment of the summer finally arrived tonight; the moment we've been waiting for for untold months is finally upon us! CBS showed AFI's Top 100 Inspirational Films. It was a moment worthy of both of Chris and me ignoring usual bedtimes, even if AFI did make the list incorrectly with Rudy being way too lowly ranked. But I shall post more later, I mostly wanted to point out that I can stay up past 11 on a school night, as it were.

Also, I shall actually have things to occupy my time at work with for the next week or so. No, not actual work, but rather, work on my movie list. I'm looking forward to the task!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Word of the day

Last night I woke up and thought to myself that the word "sarcast" should exist. As in, "I was just sarcasting." And then I promptly went back to sleep. So I'm creating a new word. However, the question arises whether it should be passive or active. I vote for active, because we don't really have a lot of passive verbs in English (actually, we might not have any, except for passive versions of active verbs). And passive verbs are so hard to use, and with sarcasm, it's all about the doer, because the receiver is usually being made fun of, so they don't even matter. And since I vote for active, active it is.

Anyways, the reason for this when you say, "I was being sarcastic," you really mean that I made a sarcastic action. Because, if we're honest, most of us are "being sarcastic" all the time, we just don't always say the sarcastic things we think. So to say, "I was being sarcastic," and to use the word sarcastic as a temporal adjective is silly. Really, sarcastic is describing a part of my personality, but saying "I was sarcasting" is pointing out when exactly I was letting that part of my personaility out.

We don't say, "I was being joking," do we? No, of course not. So why do we say, "I was being sarcastic?" We shouldn't, and therefore I'm going to start using my new word, sarcast. Later will come all it's irregular forms (if there are any, I haven't decided yet) and it's derivation from the ancient languagues.

Monday, June 12, 2006

If only...

... my life was like my dreams. I had a fun one last night involving shapeshifting into a dragon and various other fun times. There's one scene that I can't quite figure out:

I was running and hiding from people due to my shapeshifting abilities (they were afraid of us) and there was a member of an underground movement that was helping me. We went into a store, and he asked me if I wanted three bags of gummi bears or two. Now, I could only take two bags with me, but I could get three if I wanted, and I couldn't give the third bad away. So, since I knew this was a test, I instead asked for just one bag of gummi bears. I answered this way because I knew the person with me was a traitor, and as soon as I walked outside I would be captured, but I wanted him to be a little puzzled, and perhaps change his mind about the dragons. Why only taking one bag of gummi bears would do this, I have no idea.

Summer is officially starting this week (with a high of 85 degrees to start things off right) and I'm sad to be missing it. I keep wanting to plan things for the summer, and then I remember that I can't because I now have responsibilities to wake up on time in the morning. Which really sucks, let me tell you. But I'm hoping some frisbee action will happen (especially since I won't be the only one obsessed with frisbee soon since Patrick will be in town soon), even if not as frequently as last summer.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

"You're turning into Chris."

Jessica accused me of this while we were playing Settlers because I said, "It starts," and then quietly continuted with, "You think you know a guy." In my defense, I've been saying this line ever since The Lion King became my favorite Disney movie way back in elementary school before I really knew Chris. So I'm not turning into him, but apparently only he is allowed to quote movies.

Anyways, this week it seems true that I'm turning into Chris. Monday I had to get up at 5 because I took Alan to the airport for his flight to the midwest, a task that usually falls to Chris. And this week I have been watching Callie and house sitting in general for them.

I read the first two Inheritance books, and enjoyed them. The second book much improved over the first one, although the first one wasn't bad. The books lean very heavily on LotR, but that's not really a bad thing, and it's really only in specific areas of the book. I think only somebody who has read LotR like I have would notice it, and I don't even mind. After all, almost all fantasy which has elves and dwarves in it has to borrow from Tolkien. But I think I'm ready to swear off books seeing as I've done practically nothing the past two days (outside of work) but read.

I've been thinking about perception lately and how it changes. It's interesting that how you perceive something can change so drastically with only a little time, and it's also interesting how certain things (notions, moods, expectations) influence how we experience places and people. I don't really have a point with this, just thought I'd share what I've been pondering lately. I think I'll have to read some Plato because I seem to remember Forrest talking something about knowledge and perceived beauty, but I don't really remember. Maybe I'll have to focus my thoughts (since I'm done reading) and actually come up with some thoughts and ideas.

But I'm lazy so I probably won't.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A long week

Well it has been a long week, but that's not necessarily bad. Last week was three day weekend, and I spent most of Monday relaxing and sleeping, which was great. Wednesday I got Amy and Jessica together and we Settled in the land called Catan. Since they have played very little previously, we decided to play two games, the first being more of a practice where I helped them place their settlements and gave advice.

Well, apparently I gave advice that was too good, because I got the beating of my life in that game. When Amy won the game, I had three points. I won't try to excuse my failing here, but for those of you who think Settlers doesn't involve luck, you're sorely mistaken. I had all sorts of luck in that game - it was just the bad kind.

The second game went better, and I redeemed myself, although perhaps the bitter taste of defeat fueled my quick victory. It also could have been that bedtime was looming and we had to finish quickly so that I could get home. Thursday Rachel and I hung out since nobody else showed up for HP group and enjoyed ourselves at Applebee's. Then on Friday I got to talk a half day off and head down to the OC with Rachel for our funfilled trip to Disneyland.

After meeting up with Susie and John, we headed somewhere to meet with her great uncle, and from there to a nice little restaurant by the bay (or at least I think it was a bay). After a nice meal and a huge piece of chocolate cake split by the six of us, we headed home to rest before the big day.

Bright and early Saturday morning, we headed to the Magic Kingdom for our fun filled adventures. I should explain - it was John's company's day at Disneyland or something like that, and since they have season tickets, passed along the company tickets to Rachel and her friend of choice (last year she took Chris, this year she was reduced to take me since he's out of town). But when we arrived, we discovered that the company had a goody bag for John, consisting of a hat, fan-spray-y thingy, M&M's, trail mix, and a nice little backpacking thing to carry it all in. Since I was the only one without a hat or bag, I got to carry the stuff, and had a fun day randomly spraying people while in line. We proceeded to get our first Fastpass to Space Mountain (well John did while we got in line for the Matterhorn) and our day was off to a running start.

We went on Space Mountain twice (it so happened that the line was about as long as the time remaining until our passes went active, so it was great). This was my first time on the new ride, and while I really enjoyed it, I don't think it was necessary to update the music. I especially enjoyed one of the opening moments when it really feels like the whole car is spinning due to moving lights. All in all, we went on Space Mountain three times, Astro Blasters and Big Thunder twice, and just about everything else once.

But the best part of the day was Fantasmic. We we pretty tired by about 9, and decided to eat and see if we could get good enough seats to see it during the first show. For those of you who don't know, Fantasmic is sort of a light show, sort of a live action show, and completely awesome. They project clips onto waterscreens in front of Tom Sawyer's Island, and it's great. Anyways, I had never seen it before, because most of my Disneylanding is done by the time 9 PM roles around (the trips with band and chorus in Jr. High) and the one time I could have seen it, my brothers opted to go on rides with shorter lines due to the many people watching the show.

It was great, a truely well made show, and I hope that whoever created got paid a lot of money. Of couse, it could help that I can easily slip into a 5-year-old's mind, so I could experience it that way. But still, great.

After this, Rachel and I headed to Rob's apartment for the evening, which he was kind enough to share with us. It was the first time I've seen his place since I helped him movie in, and it really hasn't changed that much. He still basically has most of it empty, with a mattress lying on the floor. In his defense, though, he does now have more appliances, and a nicely stocked bar and blender. I forsee more trips down there in my future.

Yesterday I got back just in time to play in my soccer game, although they really didn't need me and the field was a swamp (how one can manage to create a swamp in a Bakersfield summer is beyond me).

The thing about this weekend is - I didn't watch tv or get on a computer at all. From Friday afternoon until this morning when I arrived at work. I don't know if I should be proud of myself or dismayed.

And if you read this, you have way too much time on your hands. Get a job or something. Or go watch a movie. May I suggest To Have and Have Not, which I will be watching this evening? It's supposed to be a good one.