Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Frickety Frack

I don't remember where I got that phrase, but I think it applies. Actually, more would apply right now, but I'm not willing to go there quite yet. Here I am, sitting at my desk and it's 5:23. You might be asking youself, "Why would Rebecca, who really doesn't enjoy her job all that much, be sitting at her desk an hour after she's allowed to go home?"

Well, the answer is that some of the people who work here are morons. I asked at 3:30 for them to do something that was required for me to do soemthing else that must be done before I leave. But did they do it? No, of course not. Not until 3:45, and even then they didn't finish. So I had to call out to this department (numerous times to even get somebody to answer) to ask somebody else to finish it. And now they're taking forever too.

So I'm annoyed, but it has give me time to put this post up. Of course, if I wasn't sitting here I would have nothing to post about. So I think I'd take not posting and not sitting here over sitting here and posting. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Part Deux

I saw an interesting question today as I was looking at my various online things. The question was basically: Even if it completely impossible, which movie would you see a sequel made from? My initial response is Serenity, Serenity please! But after that I have to wonder. What are the movies out there that I think have the character potential to warrant a sequel? Because, let’s face it, many of the sequels (almost all?) are made simply because they have huge stars attached to them, not because of the story or characters (in my opinion good characters will almost always make good story).

So what else? To tell the truth, I’m having trouble coming up with sequels that I would actually enjoy seeing, so help me out. What movies would you actually like to see sequelized?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Who needs sleep?

Well, Alias is officially gone, and I'm very sad. Granted, the show hasn't been nearly as good the past couple of seasons as it was early on, but there is still so much potential in a show like that. There's so much hinted, and then it turns out that either those hints are realized, or the writers have to make the hints lead to something lame and short so that they can get the driving story done. I can accept things like this, but I don't have to like them.

Lost is also done for a while, which just means that I have three months to catch up and understand what's going on. It's very interesting to see what I can figure out and know from just watching the three episodes I've seen so far. It's also interesting to see which characters I'm interested in, compared to the people who have been watching it more than I have. I can see the characters that the writers want me to like and be iterested in, and maybe it's my dislike of doing what I'm told, but I just can't seem to care. It's the seeming superfluous characters that I want to know more about, but I don't think I will, sadly.

I'm usually like that, though. I see a character who is mostly thrown in the story as a place holder and am intrigued by them. Maybe this happens because I'm not usually interested in black and white characters (as so many lead protagonists have been, historically), so I get interested in the shady and subtle ones that who's motivation we don't necessarily know.

Well, this was supposed to be about Alias and Lost, and hasn't really been, so maybe I'll talk about them in a later post.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Death be not proud

Who needs a bedtime when there are friends to hang out with?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


So Chris introduced me to a movie quiz, and from it I found an intelligence (or three, actually), and all five (there's a second movie quiz) are very fun and addicting. You should check them out if you haven't already. I especially enjoy the movie ones, but the intelligence ones are also fun, and way better than most 'intelligence' quizes. (I'll include links at the end of the post).

One of the things I hate most about office life is pleasantries, especially in the morning. Everybody around here knows I don't like mornings, and yet they insist on saying chipperly, "Good morning!" every time I walk in the door in the morning. I feel like responding with a "Hmph," but know I would have to explain this, and people would think I'm having a bad morning (I'm not, I just don't want to have to say "Good morning" every day).

I know, I'm an anti-social jerk. How do I live with myself?

Movie Quiz 1
Movie Quiz 2
Intelligence Test
Intelligence Test 2
Intelligence Test 3


Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I can't stand having long fingernails. I probably clip them 2-3 times a week (not the same ones, but they grow at different rates). But lately I've misplaced my little clipper things, so I have resorted to desperate measures. I used scissors. But the problem with that is I can't really see what I'm doing, so I tend to cut the nail too short, which ends up being annoying and hurting a little. And I make sharp edges, so it's not a great solution. A better one would be to go to the store and buy a new set of clipper things. But I like improvising better.

And yes, I really have nothing else going on right now other than this to talk about.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


There's not much in this work better than an afternoon nap. They were one of my favorite things about college, and the only thing that allowed me to stay up until 4 am playing Gemstone and still be able to argue in class. I miss them so much that I've found myself taking afternoon naps on Sunday even when I'm not tired. But I take one because I can.

It does make for interesting dreams when I'm not tired, though, and I tend to remember them more when I'm not tired. To continue the theme lately, Robert, Chris, and I were embarking on an adventure. I don't remember what the adventure involved, but it was very adventurey.

Unfortunately, the drawback of an afternoon nap is that I'm not tired when I should be going to bed. Which is probably why I'm really tired at the beginning of every week.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Happy Birthday...

Katharine Hepburn.

I thought we'd celebrate by remembering our favorite Hepburn movies (K Hepburn, not A Hepburn).

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The point, gentlemen, is that they lived.

With the up-coming (or in some cases past) season finales for various tv shows, I'm struck with the fact that I don't really like happy endings. Now, contrary to the (probable) popular belief that I don't like them because I don't like happy things, the reason for this is more that I don't trust them, because I don't trust endings.

Even in books I hate endings (even happy ones), because I always want to know what happens next. Perhaps I've had this feeling of late because of the abundance of shows I've been watching which have been prematurely given a happy ending. In Firefly, Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, and even Alias (okay, it's not really premature, but I don't think it should end) I feel like there has to be more going on, because the main thing the heros fight against doesn't go away.

Sure, they've told the story they meant to (well, in Alias, not Firefly) but there's still something to fight, and the enemy isn't going to let the hero rest. I can't see the government ever letting River get away (she's way too powerful) and I can't see the evil out there ever letting Sydney live her life in peace. The only way either could happen is if they go and hide, and given both characters, I can't see that happening.

All this to say I will miss my shows when they're gone, although I'm trying to get hooked on Lost. It's not nearly as good as Alias (I might post about why later) but I've used the word "intriguing" a lot when talking about it, so there's something worthwhile there. And the alternate reality game or whatever it is a pretty awesome idea.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The bygone days of Winter

I've finally admitted to myself that winter is over. It's not that I don't like the spring or the summer, it's that I really love the winter. I love being cold when I sleep, and wearing warm clothes (scarves and beanies!) But last night I finally officially took my flannel sheets out of circulation and steeled myself for only cotton sheets for the next six months.

It was only a couple weeks ago that I stopped wearing my jacket to work (although it's freezing in my office so I think I might take and leave one at work). So I must accept that the cold weather is gone, and I will only get a little glimpse of it when in the mountains. But with the fans that I have going in my room, I can pretend that is at least November. Or the later part of October, at least.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The stuff that dreams are made of

Yes, I'm going to quote The Maltese Falcon for the third time. Deal with it. There's a reason that it's ranked 14th on AFI's Top 100 quotes, after all.

I think I've posted this before, but I very rarely have bad dreams. Even when I was young, I don't remember having very many nightmares (although I had one reoccuring nightmare when I was little that was fun). And even when I do have bad dreams, they definately involve me fighting the bad guys, not just sitting and hiding or running. And strangely enough, they are almost all in my house, and especially in my room.

Growing up, my favorite bad dreams were the ones when I would wake up convinced that there were witches in the house, and I would sit perfectly still in bed coming up with ways to battle them.

I think I've discovered that I either need to stop watching shows like Alias and playing adventure RPG's, or I need to find some adventure to put in my life so that my dreams stop being interesting. I'm not going to give up Alias (well, I will give up new episodes when I have to, but I won't like it!) or video games, so I guess I'll have to find some adventure. And I think I know where to start.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I have a cankle. Yes, singular. Just one. I'll try to take a picture and put it up here, but it looks like Girthy is getting girthier, at least until the swelling goes down. But I am living up to my name, even if I have to hurt myself to do it.

Vegas was fun, although I'm probably going to disappoint everybody by saying that I didn't do any gambling. Yep, none. First, I was much too tired and hot to go do anything after the games, and second, I was already having trouble breathing with all the dust in the air, and didn't feel like dying of smoke to go in a casino. Even so, I had fun.

The soccer was very good, actually. Nice and competitive, with one of my teammates even getting in a fight with another team. She didn't start it, but she sure did finish it. I never have figured out why other teams always go after the biggest person to pick a fight with. This other girl apparently (I didn't see the beginning) hit Megan in the head, then ran. She ran because Megan is about 5'10 and built like a linebacker. Silly girl. Needless to say, Megan grabbed her, threw her to the ground, and got one punch in before the other team grabbed her and pulled her off. It was funny, although annoying that we afterwards had to play one player down (they did, too, so it wasn't too bad).